All you need is a “bi” and a “hhhhhh”

A few weeks ago we decided that we wanted to get a bike seat for Buggy Bug. She has shown a interest in bikes and is particularly fond of Devin’s helmet. After some research we decided to go for the iBert seat which mounts to the front of the bike instead of the back. We were excited to score a deal from Craigslist.  We then purchased a helmet for her and though she was thrilled to play with it, not so much to actually have it buckled onto her head.

She cried. And screamed. Even as we buckled her into the seat. It wasn’t looking promising.

Then Devin started to move and everything turned to pure enjoyment.


She loves going for rides. Unfortunately, rides have been limited due to a round of the flu and more than a week of daily rain. But, she seems just as content to sit in her seat on the floor (it easily detaches from the bike) and eat crackers while I make dinner.

Any time we go outside she will point out daddy’s bike by saying “bi!” and then mommy’s bike by saying “Mmmommmmaaaa!” On a daily basis, she will remind Devin of his “hhhhh” (hat) as he is heading out the door to work, since he rides his bike to the shuttle stop.

Needless to say, putting on her helmet is no longer an issue.

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