Taking daytrips is proving to be a difficult task with our little ones. (Duh). We decided to take a Saturday and head to the south shore to the tourist trap of Brighton. Lucky for us, it was a beautiful day and there was plenty of entertainment for the girls.
We took our first long-ish distance train ride. Through our travels I’ve realized I really like train stations. Not just the little stops along the way but the full, humongous stations.
How can you not think of Fievel Goes West?? Awesome.
We headed to the beach but first Devin needed some sunglasses. While he waited in line to pay at a sporting good store, Katelyn decided to pull up a chair.
We hit the beach first thing where the girls were in heaven.
Abby hung out with Devin, eating oranges and attempting to eat rocks.
Katelyn just had to get into the water. The shoreline was a bit steep so, what started out as rolling up her pants, quickly turned into…
Sporting nothing but a diaper.
Later, Katelyn rode some pier rides.
She loved every minute of it.
Walking around the pier reminded us of San Francisco. We felt the need to take a picture of this:
Fortunately it looked as though he was sporting the shorts to be silly.
Or at least I hope…