We’ve been in CA for four years ( give or take four to six months here and there) and we hadn’t made it to the official Redwoods. We had intended to go a few times but it never happened until this last trip.
I’m glad we didn’t make a dedicated Redwoods trip. I would have been disappointed. We’ve been to two nearer to us and there were similarly impressive.
We decided to brave a hiking excursion with the girls. Brave? Why brave? Keep in mind these are two toddlers who at times insist on being carried through the grocery store.
It was a bit under three miles. We had a moment of meltdown when both wanted to be carried but we took advantage of it by booking it for about 10 minutes to make up for less than productive time.
After that, Katelyn was recharged but Abby was on the verge of a nap. So she was snuggled in the carrier while Katelyn happily trekked the rest of the way.
The highlight of the hike was a small waterfall. But apparently bridges were much more interesting.
Here we are in one of many bridges and then the family shot with the waterfall.
Another highlight of our walk was the blackberries towards the start of the trail. But even more exciting was the proof in the poop that bears love blackberries. I’m sorry that I don’t have a picture for you.
It was a fun little hike and just the right length for Katelyn to handle.
We couldn’t leave the park without driving through a big tree and taking a family pic.
And I know what you are going to say. “Are you pregnant?” Ha. I was. Two years ago. With Abby. Oh snap. Not the only unfortunate angle from recent pictures.
Anyway, moving on.
In addition to the hole in the tree there was a pond. And in the pond were billions of frogs. Don’t believe me? I see at least 16 in the picture.
The girls loved it. Abby kept saying, “I want to hold it!” Wish I had the guts to hand her one but I never actually caught frogs when frogging as a kid and I wasn’t about to start now.