Today is the day that Devin gives his big presentation to the CIO of Apple about the projects he’s been involved with as an intern. It’s a big deal. After a 20 minute presentation/Q & A session, they decide if they are going to make a full time offer to him or not. Needless to say, he’s been working on the presentation a lot both during work and at home. Last night he did a final practice with me and it went very well. He has a great team, especially his manager, who have been a great support and help for him and want him to have the best experience possible.
A few days ago I asked Devin what he was going to wear for the presentation to see if I needed to do any laundry. He told me they had been advised to wear their normal work clothes which is usually jeans. I was worried about that but he insisted. Until yesterday. Then he decided that he needed to be slightly better dressed but not enough to be distracting. (Yes, business casual is considered distracting at Apple). So of course we had to take a trip to Kohls where we found some dressier but still casual khakis. I’m slowly but surely convincing Devin that flat front pants, not pleats, look much better. But he probably only went for it this time because he found some that have the hidden expandable elastic waistline. He pretty much lives for those.
This morning we got up a little earlier than usual to make sure Devin was ready. He went jogging while I made breakfast. I planned on going to the gym after dropping him off but I was so caught up in making sure he had everything he needed for today that I got distracted. After dropping Devin off, I went to the gym only to realize that I had put the wrong shoes on this morning. It wasn’t until I started the treadmill and went for my routine glance at the shoes to make sure my laces were secure that I realized this. SO, being embarrassed at my casual sketchers gear, I put in my mile and got out of there. I’ll just have to work a little harder tomorrow.
Tonight we will probably go out to dinner to celebrate the passing of the presentation and getting back to his normal work life. Then we just wait. We are not sure how long it takes for them to let us know about their decision but it will be interesting to see who, if any, of the BYU interns get offers.