Nope, I’m not skipping a thing so I hope you’re in for the long haul.
We had our baby girl….obviously. But here is the entire story.
At my 38 week appointment (Monday the 5th) I was anxious to see if I had made any more progress as far as dilation. It was a busy day at the doctors office and Devin and I waited an hour and a half before we got to see the doctor. The doctor came in proceeded to examine me when I heard the last thing that I wanted to hear–she’s breech.
Oh snap. Are you kidding me? They took us to another room where they confirmed it by ultra sound. She was head up most definitely. The crappy part was I knew she hadn’t changed positions recently so the last several doctors had been wrong about her position all this time. Ultimately, I was very glad that this doctor caught it before labor set in.
Naturally, I was quite upset about it. I had been preparing for a regular delivery and prepping myself for even a natural birth if things lined up right. Obviously, that wasn’t going to happen this time around. But we went home with the intention to try a version (where they manually turn the baby). The initial ultra sound by the doctor looked promising for it–I wasn’t too late in the pregnancy, there was enough fluid, the placenta position looked good and so did the cord.
On Wednesday (the 7th) we had our appointment at the hospital to try the version. After a bunch of poor communication between the doctors office, the doctor, and the hospital I finally cleared up with the hospital that I was not going in for a c-section but a version. (I’ll spare you that ridiculous story.) For the first part of the appointment, they did an ultra sound to determine the position, anatomy, size, fluid levels, etc. The tech said things look pretty good except the umbilical cord was draped around the back of her neck but they couldn’t really see where it went from there. The doctor who performs the versions came in to talk things over with us. In the end, he recommended not to do the version because of the cord position, it being my first pregnancy (which makes for limited space) and being in my 38th week (making space limited as well).
So we went back to labor and delivery where they hooked me up for a non-stress test and everyone there thought I was going to get prepped for a c-section right then and there. Again, I’m not sure where the communication thing fell through but I told the nurses that I hadn’t planned on that. So they had one of my doctors call me to talk things over to see what our options were. We had several different routes to go but we decided that we wouldn’t do the version because of the risk of an emergency c-section which we just didn’t feel prepared for at that time. So we decided not to do anything at that time but would think things over.
Later I called my doctors office to schedule the surgery and I got yet another incompetent medical worker. She wouldn’t give me any options for when to have the surgery but just told me that I was scheduled for Tuesday the 13th. I didn’t want to do it that day for several reasons but she was being difficult and basically told me I didn’t have a choice, which of course wasn’t what my doctor told me. Later she called back and said that she rescheduled it for Friday the 9th. This was confusing because she told me that I wasn’t allowed to schedule it before my 39 week date. Which then that was confusing because they were ready to do the surgery 4 days before 39 weeks. So again, a bunch of contradicting info which she was incapable of explaining to me.
That was on Wednesday. That night Devin and I were talking about it and I started to get worried that it was scheduled too early. They don’t generally let you do an elective c-section before 39 weeks because of the lung development. Then I realized that we only had Thursday to get ready and I was soooo not ready. So, I started crying for the billionth time that week and we decided that I would call to make an appointment to talk with a doctor so I could get more information and really find out my options. That way I could find out what the real scoop was instead of getting it 2nd and 3rd hand from clueless office workers.
[I told you this was long….and this is only the pre labor and delivery part.]
SO….On Thursday I called the doctor and I told him my concerns about doing the surgery on Friday and why it was difficult for us to do it on Tuesday (mostly because of Devin missing nearly a week of class). He explained that they were willing to do it earlier because they didn’t want me to worry about the cord position and everything else looked good. He asked what I wanted to do and I said that I would like to schedule the surgery for Friday the 16th unless they thought that would be too late and it would be safer to do it earlier. He said he was fine with that and there really wasn’t any reason to do it earlier.
Again, I waited all day Thursday for the stupid scheduling girl to call like the doctor said she would. When I called she didn’t know any info except that it would be that Friday….no time…..nothing. Supposedly I was just to wait for the hospital to call and give me the info but last time I was told that the hospital was waiting for the doctors office to call them. So whatever. I decided to just wait a few days to see if I heard anything.
And that brings us to Friday. . . more to come.
Not the 13th?! I’m so offended! The 13th rules!! :)