Today was Katelyn’s two month checkup. So, like usual, here are her stats.
Age: 8 weeks, 2 days
Weight: 8 pounds, 15.5 ounces (10th percentile)
Height: 20.75 inches (10th percentile)
Head circumference: 37.5 cm (also 10th percentile)
In reality I know that she is small especially after seeing her percentile numbers. However, I feel like she’s getting huge! I can’t imagine giving birth to an 8 pound baby.
The doctor had a concern about her head growing slower than it should which could mean that the bone plates are fusing sooner than expected. However, the doctor realized that she wasn’t the one who measured her last time and thinks that it was just an error in measuring. I’m shocked that the medical assistant that measured her at the last appointment screwed up. I mean, she does get a generous BYU minimum wage, which is more than Utah minimum wage. So she has to be competent, right? Oh, I love the Health Center. But I guess that’s beside the point. I am supposed to take Katelyn in after a month to have her check her head growth again. Hopefully, this is all due to an underpaid medical assistant not knowing how to properly use a measuring tape.
Besides all that, the best is yet to come. The Health Center doesn’t do the routine baby immunizations so we have to go to the county health department. I was going to go today but it snowed Saturday night, and again last night….and it’s been snowing all day. As usual, there is not a snow plow in sight. (But HOA was kind enough to get our stairs shoveled by noon today….how useful.) So I will be going hopefully later this week where both Katelyn and I will be getting shots.
In addition, I was given some instruction from the doctor. In a nutshell–let her cry. I told the doctor how she loves to wake up around 4pm from a nap and stay awake until about midnight. Ideally, I’d like her sleeping schedule to shift backwards by a good 3-4 hours. So I was told to a) start a few bedtime routine activities, b) don’t let her nap or cat nap after about 1:30, c) put her down completely awake, and d) let her cry. Fun. I also asked her about tummy time. The doctor at her last visit told me to do it at least 5 minutes every day. I quickly realized that she’s not a fan. Then I read up on a blog where it talked about doing it different ways besides just putting them on the floor (ie like on a bed where you can sit on the floor so they can see your face and interact or on your stomach/chest and gradually decrease the angle that you are sitting). I tried that. It worked for a while but not anymore. So the doctor told me to do it anyway and let her exercise her lungs too for 10 minutes. Great.
Somewhat unrelated, I’m totally excited because we got Katelyn one of these.
I haven’t gotten the chance to see how she likes it yet but I’m hoping we can find some happy time today where she might enjoy it. And maybe she’ll enjoy tummy time on it a little, too. Hopefully.
Was you Dr. a pediatrition this time? Katelyn is farther ahead than you were at this age. None of your measurements were on any chart. I think you stayed that way until you were about 14 or 15.
We were really bad with doing tummy time with Mitchel and I think he is ok. Mitchel also used to go to bed between 10 and 11 so not a whole lot different. I could never let him cry it out. It killed me. But I also never set him to a schedule until now….call me a crappy mom but I let him do whatever he wanted basically.
Oh my goodness. Logan was 8 lbs 15 oz at 2 WEEKS! I am so jealous, I wanted him to stay little forever and he’s already so big :( At least I’m getting stronger I guess…? Logan hates tummy time too, I try to do it before I feed him so that I can calm him down after he cries. It’s like I ruin his life by putting him on his stomach.
Is the Dr. using the same previous measurements that someone did when Katelyn was 2 wks. and said she grew 3 in in two weeks?
Allie loved her activity gym. we had a little rattle thing that was low so that she could kick it, which she loved. she did not, however love tummy time on it for quite some time. But maybe Katelyn will. =) hopefully. Katelyn is so adorable!