Some more favorite things

So I started writing a post where, in a nutshell, I’m ranting about a few things that have bugged me lately. Then I found this post, which I started back in September. I just glanced over and saw it in my drafts. So, I thought I needed a little pick-me-up after all the ranting I was doing on my other post, which may or may not become an actual post. I’m debating it. I guess it’s just that it says certain things to certain people that I’m upset with. But it’s ok. They never get it anyway.

Anyway, so here is this old and stale post for your enjoyment.

I’ve mentioned a few things before like my favorite Divine Comedy video and my favorite most recent commercial but Devin said I should just make a post of a bunch of my favorites of everything. Oh yeah, here we go. And tag (can I make my own?) you’re all it! Everyone should do this too! My disclaimer is that this list will probably consist of a lot of food. But really, whose won’t?

  • Favorite restaurant is Ixtapa in Monroe, WA. I think I mention it at least once a week.


  • Sprinkers. The sound, how it cools the air–everything.
  • Chukar Cherries Honey Peacans. Yum.

  • Daqurie Ice ice cream from Baskin Robins.
  • Really good homemade waffles with fresh strawberries and real whipped cream (or ice cream).


  • Leaving a fan on at night–no matter how cold it is.
  • A cold bedroom with lots of blankets to snuggle with.
  • Taking a bath with candles.
  • Fresh peaches.
  • The rain and everything about it.
  • Thunder storms.
  • The beach.


  • Camping with big camp fires that go all night. 
  • When the power goes out.
  • I like to swing…with hammocks, rocking chairs, swings, etc.
  • Taking naps. Specifically long Sunday afternoon naps (though I’d take it any day…or time).
  • The all American chocolate cake from Costco, warm with vanilla ice cream.
  • Cheese cake.
  • My favorite candy and candy bars include Charleston Chews, Idaho Spuds, Twizzlers, and the occasional chocolate covered gummy bears.
  • Clean feet with a fresh pair of socks
  • Sun warmed cars on a cold day.
  • Fall leaves.


  • Hot chocolate!

The following are things that I’ve added today. Though, I’m having a hard time because all I want to write is “people that don’t…” and then write the things that are bugging me.

  • A clean baby that doesn’t smell like poop and spit-up.
  • Laying on a heater vent with a blanket and taking a nap.
  • TiVo!
  • Pens, paper…office supplies in general.
  • Freshly washed bed sheets.
  • Putting on warm jammers straight from the dryer.

3 thoughts to “Some more favorite things”

  1. Sorry you’re feeling so in need of a rant. If it helps (like it will), I pulled out K.’s baby blanket today with every intention of finishing it…. Perhaps I will take a picture of it and send it to you so that you know that it really does exist! Sorry it’s taken so long. I have a crazy busy life (who doesn’t?)

  2. AHH!! Can you please tell me if I am that person who you are talking about??? I am getting worried that one of my very best friends is mad about something I’m doing that I’m clueless about!! p.s. i am totally going to do a favorite things post- so cute idea! AHH! Is that why you’re mad at me because I never post?? Tell me!!

  3. p.p.s. i just wanted to say that i was pretty proud of myself that i knew almost all those things about you already=)

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