It’s freeeezing

Literally freezing. It makes it a challenge to get out and about because we don’t have the best clothes for the girls. Blankets are our best friends.
Today Katelyn requested to go to the mall. Since the last two trips were less than enjoyable, I had a preventative talk with her. In a nutshell, be happy or we go home.
It seemed to work this time. We enjoyed the teeny tinny children’s play area for the first time without any meltdowns.


We managed to visit a couple toy shops without any pouting.
We enjoyed heaven in a bag–soft pretzels. They literally dunk the entire pretzel in a tub of warm butter before dousing it with your choice of topping.


The girls pressed their face against the glass railing to watch kids iceskating.

We also saw Mario. Katelyn was curious but not at all interested in going within 30 feet of him. Abby, on the other hand, began to make gestures of interest. So I put her down and he started making her way over to the funny looking creature.

Clearly she changed her mind.

And that’s what we do when it’s freezing.

One thought to “It’s freeeezing”

  1. Love their little twinsie out fits. Thanks for all the pics. Can’t wait to see you again.

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