Then there were four and eight: A confession of frustration

Ok so I’m not so good at this “doing something everyday thing…”

That’s not the confession.

My confession is I’m frustrated.

Every time Devin and I go on a walk or start talking about “things” we always go back to two subjects–Should we get a mini-van and how long can we do this two bedroom apartment thing.

We currently have two children…and only two. That’s the count for now (no announcements here!) But are we stuck with (dare I say only) two as long as we have our current car and apartment?

Then I start looking around and for about two months I had some hope and determination to tough it out and experience life while leaning towards the minimalist side. We could totally have one more kid in our car and one, maybe two, more in our apartment!

Several weeks ago I learned from a sister in our ward that she fits three children in their Civic, carseats and all. I didn’t believe her so she gave me a tour. A certain brand of carseat is especially narrow. Minimally sized high-back boosters work for her two older children. With seatbelt extenders so buckling in isn’t a pain, it fit like a glove. I was totally excited!

Don’t get me wrong. I want a mini-van. The thing is, we only need one car. We love our CR-V and though we can get money for it, I don’t think it’s worth selling.

So extending our CR-V through one more child–check.

Now to the two bedroom apartment. A friend has been living it up in a two bedroom with three children for a year and a half. She did her best at convincing me that it was possible and I believed her.

I believed both these ladies and their three kiddo family strategies.

Two weeks ago the civic was replaced by a brand new mini-van and today my friend moved to a four bedroom house in Utah.

Obviously it wasn’t working out as good as they said.

Back to the drawing board.

One thought to “Then there were four and eight: A confession of frustration”

  1. Ah, you can “survive,” but the added space gives you much more quality of life. There are some things that make a minimalist life torture – three kids in one bedroom, especially if you don’t even have a YARD – is definitely one of those. Upgrade if at all possible! And I adore my minivan. If only to never again have to worry about my kid pushing the door wide open and scratching the car next to use in the parking lot. Peace of mind, man. Peace of mind.

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