David Schmavid

Perhaps you have seen the recent “advertisements” telling about the open chat session with David Archuleta today (via mormon.org and Facebook). I did not participate. I don’t know what he said. Heck, I didn’t even make a mental note of where he served. Who cares?! Apparently a lot of people.

I’m conflicted on the matter. Yes, it’s great that he made the choice to put aside his “career” to serve a mission. It’s great he’s sharing his experiences with others. I guess he’s an inspiration to many [teenyboppers].

I guess I just wish the focus was a little less…superficial?

I don’t love the fact that he has been labeled this huge role model when all he was doing is what is expected, right and his responsibility. (As taught by the church, which I agree with). Had he not gone, what would people say? Who knows.

I suppose I should say it outright–I’m not a fan. Watching him on American Idol was always awkward and uncomfortable. That just translated to his music, of which I know one song. (And by know I mean, I liked it and listened to it at one point but now I haven’t a clue how it goes or the name of it. Forgettable. )

I guess what it comes down to is where is the focus? On fame? Or on the spiritual matters that actually matter?

Give me someone who sacrificed a lot to do what he did and I’ll join the chat.

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