Jacob’s blessing

We had Jacob’s blessing on the first Sunday in May when he was two weeks and three days old. It was much earlier than we usually do it, but it’s just how it worked out to have family here.

Now that I try to remember, that day was much of a blur. I had been home less than two weeks and was still swollen from pregnancy bloating and operation awesomeness. I was very much still on heavy pain meds. It’s times like that when I realize that recording the blessing was an excellent move.

So here are a couple pics from the day. My parents, Devin’s mom and our good friends, Austin and Emily, were there to support and celebrate with us.


Later that day, i took some pictures of Jacob in his blessing outfit. My mom made a blue and green blanket that he was wrapped in for the blessing. She also made a beautiful quilt for him, just as she has done for all her grand kids.






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