There has been a lot of discussion about measles due to the recent outbreak. Among other concerns, there is the concern for the infants “too young” to vaccinate. From my own experience, let me offer some info, as some of the articles floating around are actually (yes, actually) reporting incorrect info.
The MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine is routinely administered first at twelve months. A booster shot is then given around 4-5 years old. With that normal routine, children younger than a year are at risk (read: greater risk) than those older who have received the vaccine(s).
So a little FY-your-information (The Middle, anyone?), the MMR can be given to infants as young as six months. Likewise, the booster has some flexibility with timing as well.
Don’t panic. According to the pediatrician Jacob saw last week for his checkup (who I didn’t love), the outbreak is relatively small, thusly (not a word), the risk is as well. So there is no “need” to rush out for it.
I chose to have J vaccinated at nine months and A at three and a half as a precaution. Since they have a sibling in school, the risk is a bit higher so I just felt better about it. K and A were also vaccinated early as infants because we traveled to Europe when they were each babies.
Something else you might like to know is that if a baby receives the first MMR early, it does not replace the routine 12-month shot. In other words, they will receive three shots over time instead of two.
The assumption is that the medical field will give us some direction on all this if changes to the routine are needed.
Oh that’s interesting–that if you get it early, you still have to get it again. (Sorry you didn’t like your doc! :( )