Is that what you were thinking, too? That’s what my sis Cari-Ann said Katelyn looks like in some of her pictures. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when it comes to a 6 pound 3 ounce disproportion bug that we love oh so much.
Being the nicknaming family that we are I thought I’d share a few of our favorites.
This one we call our Baby Burrito.
The picture doesn’t give it all the justice it deserves but I think you get the idea.
Among others she’s Devin’s Baby Girl and my Snuggle Bug.
But most of all she’s our favorite
you better not be offended at my comment. These pictures are cute! It was hard to imagine how small see was until you see her in Devin’s arms. I hope you guys are still coming for christmas!
No I was not offended. We all thought it was pretty funny. And yes, we are still planning to come for Christmas.
NOOO!! you have to stop posting these aDDDorable pictures of this little cutie-bug!!! It is making want to jump out the window that I can’t be there to eat her up!!!! SOOO freaking cute you guys!!
She is honestly probably the cutest newborn I have ever seen. Plus she is so terribly alert. More pictures!