Since our trip to the aviation museum, Katelyn has been 100% obsessed with anything airplane. So, we thought we’d treat her to a ride on a real airplane and send her to Houston. Or maybe she had no choice but to go along for the ride with me.
She had a ball the the airport watching all the planes through the huge viewing windows. I’m not sure that she caught on completely that she was actually on one but going down the runway while watching all the other planes kept her just as happy.
During our visit with my family, our little Munch made it apparent that she had a few new loves.
Swimming—once she figured out what the kiddie pool was for, she made several attempts to dive in with all her clothes on. That’s our Munchkin.
Tunnels—or should I say “nunnel.” Again, once she figured out that it wasn’t just something to gaze into, she’s been making nunnels ever since.
Sand—you mean we don’t have to walk all the way to the park to play with this stuff? Nice.
Eggs—Surprisingly she got the hang of this one immediately. Her cousin’s birthday party was good prep for Easter.
Bikes—This was nothing new but when she discovered there was such a thing as one her size, she couldn’t resist. Luckily her cousin was kind enough to share his bike with her.
The trip was somewhat a success with some setbacks. It’s taken plenty of time for her to adjust back to home life. (And by plenty, I mean too much.) We seemed to get the sleeping and napping thing down during our visit a little better. She’s still working on letting unfamiliar people look at her. The photo session with my sister and her family yielded a few workable shots (pictures to come). I managed to completely exhaust myself from the trip and visit but staying up talking, laughing and knitting (yes, knitting) with my sister was totally worth it. It was a great visit and well worth the time spent with my parents, siblings, and nieces and nephews. But I have to say, it’s gonna be a while before I do any more traveling solo with kiddos.