Party Time

Last week was a week of parties for me and it was great!

On Tuesday the RS had their annual pool party.  I’m on the meeting committee and have been excited for a long time for this one. For the majority of my time on the team I’ve been pregnant so my participation and willingness to do much has been lacking. I’m mostly there for moral support. :o) Towards the end of the party, I decided to try to convince people to go swimming but the sun had gone down and no one was going for it. But I did anyway and ended up swimming for about an hour while others cleaned up. I felt guilty but convinced myself that I deserved and needed to swim more than I needed to lift tables and chairs. 37 week pregnant lady….yeah that’s right.

On Wednesday we had planned to have lunch with Devin’s friend and his wife at work.  After a few weird moments we walked into our reserved conference room to a dozen people, balloons and cake. Devin’s HR manager had organized a surprise baby lunch party for us. It was fun finally getting to meet his manager and talking with some of his co-workers. Katelyn also had a blast playing with the balloons they got for us.

On Thursday my Visiting Teaching companion hosted a baby shower for me.She’s such a sweetheart. It felt a little weird having a shower because it’s my second girl but she decided to do it because I told her about my situation with Katelyn and being in a ward for only a month and a half so I only had a few people at my shower. So we decided we just needed to have a girl party. It was great! My friend Emily came down from the East Bay and we had a great time with about a dozen other gals making hair bows and eating great food. Presents are always good, too!  The girls in our ward are so much fun.  Thanks to all that came and helped make it a great night!

I wish I had pictures of everything. But I don’t. So take my word for it. It was fun.

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