Turning 30 so we partied in Paris

It’s hard not to want to travel when we are just hours from amazing places. It makes for a bit of an easier decision not to travel when you factor costs and children. But we squeezed into our crazy pants and headed to Paris to celebrate three decades of surviving in this world.
Actually, it just happened to be a good time to go but I’m totally telling everyone I went to Paris for my 30th.
Initially, we made a list of all the things we wanted to see and do. Then we did a reality check and came to grips with would (or wouldn’t) happen smoothly with our lovely children.
Most plans we scratched and we made arrangements for…


Yup. Disneyland Paris.
I felt totally guilty spending our precious vacation time paying big bucks to a company that I essentially don’t like. But, it was totally worth it. I’ll share more about that adventure later.
During our first half day in Paris we did the following:
We conveniently took the lift up the Arc de Triomphe (thanks katelyn and Abby!)

It was a beautiful, clear day. Abby spent her time at the top going up and down some steps while Katelyn slept through the whole thing.


We got a real French crepe.

We had some really bad, really slow fast food.

And we went to the Eiffel Tower.

I was surprised how much the girls enjoyed the tower. They went a bit crazy waiting in line to go up. Abby even attempted to do leg tunnels with a nearby stranger. But, they had a blast.

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