Jacob’s birth story — D-day

Amazingly, we made it to delivery day. At exactly 39 weeks it was time to get that baby out of me! There were three options for surgery times–early (something like 6am), noon, or 5pm. When deciding on a time I was reminded that I had to arrive two hours prior and fast for 12 hours before. The early slot was defiantly out. The evening one would have been painful because I’d have to fast all day. So noon it was. I could handle that.

We got up like normal with the girls and then finally got around to packing the hospital bag. (So prepared, I know.) We left about 30 minutes late which only seemed to concern me.

When we arrived to the hospital the place was bustling. Valet had a line of cars, parking was packed and the drop off/pick up zone was crazy. So Devin dropped me off so I could get checked in.

They were expecting me so I was taken straight to my room to change. Since Devin wasn’t there, I had the nurse take one last picture of me. As you can see, she’s a nurse, not a photographer.

After Devin arrived, I received the first three of my total seven (seven!) pokes. One blown vein IV attempt, one successful IV and a blood draw. Oh, and a near passing out, oxygen required, experience.

Then, the fun began. :)


One thought to “Jacob’s birth story — D-day”

  1. Love reading the stories! You are one brave mama. Love that you didn’t pack a hospital bag until day of! ;)

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