First day of TK

It seems, in my life, I’m constantly involved with new things. This time it’s transitional kindergarten (TK). By new, I mean new programs or ways of doing things. Change is exciting and new (obviously) but also frustrating.

I’ve decided that anything new should come with a beta version disclaimer. In other words, let everyone know that no one knows what’s going on, who is in charge, or how to fix anything.

With TK, there is zero info online. You don’t know what the schedule is like, who the teachers are, what the heck they do all day, what time they start, and so on and so forth. You may even be asking yourself, “what is TK?” Exactly.

In this district, they don’t let you request morning or afternoon class. You just petition for a change if you didn’t get what you want.

Naturally, Katelyn is assigned to the later class. This means that I get to load all three kids, drive, park, unload, walk them in, reload, drive home then unload. Then do it again in the middle of Abby’s nap time. It’s so fun.

Katelyn started school yesterday. We are allowed to take her to her classroom this week but next week we just leave her at a gate. This is how well the departure was going yesterday.

When it was time to hurd the parents out, I asked the principal to help hold Katelyn so we could leave.

She didn’t cry. She didn’t whine. She just wouldn’t let go.

I wasn’t sure how she would do but I came back to this:


Today she still needed some help saying goodbye but when I picked her up and asked how her day was, she gave me a big smile and with excitement said, “really good!”

In other good news, the principal called and said she will start the AM schedule next week.


One thought to “First day of TK”

  1. Im so glad you get to move up to morning class! Getting to school and back has been quite a production, and I’ve just been grateful Gemma’s been able to make it til 2:00 for her nap. There was no other way it would work for us. And hooray for that beaming smile at the end of the day! Thank goodness!

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