Doing it right

Knowing a little about a lot can get you places. Knowing more about something can get you even better results if you choose to use that knowledge.

Exhibit A: my sewing skills
I’ve never followed a pattern. I’ve never even tried. When my mom, an experienced and talented seamstress, says, “wait, uh, wait, uh….” while looking over a pattern package, I’m convinced not to even try. But that’s beside the point. My problem is with pins. Pinning things. Pinning fabric together. It’s not my thing. Maybe the occasional stepped on or sat on pin or needle turns me off to the idea.

Would it solve problems such as this?


Or maybe that problem would be fixed if I hadn’t had a handsome four-month-old screaming at me to feed him.

So do it right or just get it done?
Sometimes getting it done is good enough.

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