Food vs Baby

And the winner is baby!

By the number of comments apparently no one is interested in my thoughts about The Mayan, Taco Time (which by the way we had a nice 45 minute adventure with the other day), or Smokehouse but only about baby updates. I guess food has been more on my mind than baby stuff. Or maybe it’s just they are the two things that I think about constantly but didn’t want to bore you with baby talk.

So here is some more baby stuff for you. Yesterday we went to number 2 of 4 childbirth ed classes. It was the same instructor. It made me nervous when she said that 60% effacement meant that you had 60% to go, not the other way around. Eventually she caught on after enough people looked confused and started to question her. Honest mistake? Not sure yet.

We had the privilege of watching a birthing video showing four births (3 vaginal and 1 c-section). Devin had mentioned several times about this event indicating a certainly level of “can I handle that?” to his anticipation. But a while ago he voluntarily–even suggested–that we watch the Ricki Lake documentary on birthing. After that I figured there wasn’t anything that we hadn’t already seen so what’s the big deal?

One word–episiotomy. Enough said.

Today I went to get my flu shot. Until this whole baby thing I hadn’t gotten a flu shot in a good five years or so. But I got one last fall since we were trying to get pregnant and of course it was recommended that I get one this season as well. Not my favorite. It seems like the nurse gave me the wrong shot.  I’m pretty sure she gave me a tetanus shot instead because it hurts like a mother right now. But my paper work says flu shot and the health center never messes up, right? Rrrriiiiiight.

Yesterday I also let out a little baby excitement by unpacking and assembling the stroller and car seat. Note to self: bring the car seat instruction manual to the hospital. Once you get it all set up I’m sure it’s easy but initially, it seems complicated.

Other than that I’m stressing out because we are severely procrastinating. We’ve got a whole 5 weeks (give or take of course) left and I feel like we don’t have anything ready. It seems like every time I want to or feel like we should buy something there is a semi-good reason not to. First it was wait until the first trimester has passed. Then wait until we find out what we are having. Then wait to see if we get another ultrasound to make sure we know what we are having. Then wait until we get back to Utah so we don’t have to ship everything home and pay nearly 10% sales tax. And now it’s wait until after the baby shower to see what I get. Nine months to prepare?

I. Think. Not.

One thought to “Food vs Baby”

  1. Yeah…the pregnancy seems to take forever, except for the feeling prepared part. Oh how I wish I was there to help you get ready! Random thought about carseats- I went to this free class thing which was only 1/2 hour and they installed my carseat for me correctly and showed me all about it and had a “baby” to buckle in and everything- so if you’re like wondering about that, I would see if the hospital or firedepartment offers that service- ours did. Oh, and btw, I love hearing about your food reviews! I think I just tend to read a lot of your posts at the same time, so I don’t want to sound like a crazy and comment on every single one, so I just comment on a few and usually include my thoughts about more than one post…i love hearing about food- I wish I could eat 24 hours a day.

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