I felt so silly going to Disneyland when there are so many other things we could be doing. But, lets be honest, the girls aren’t so much interested in those other things. So we planned for a day in Disney. Then we we thought, “oh, who are we kidding?” and planned for two days.

We knew that Katelyn would have no idea what was going on unless we introduced her to the “magic” long before we got there. For days, even weeks, we talked about it and showed her pictures and youtube videos.  It wouldn’t be fun unless she got excited about it.

And get excited about it she did.

When we got through the gates both the girls went crazy. They ran around as if they won the lottery. Abby clearly didn’t know what was going on but saw that Katelyn was beside herself with excitement so it rubbed off.


There were two celebrations going on at the time we were there.  Halloween and the 20th anniversary for Disneyland Paris.

We decided to hit the teacups for our first ride.  Here is Katelyn in anticipation for her first adventure.


But lets be honest, the real reason we went was for her to meet Pooh Bear. We missed him the first day but made sure we were one of the firsts in line on the second day.

You simply cannot wait to meet Pooh Bear unless you have your own to wait with you.


So we wait in line for about 45 minutes and then it’s our turn. Or is it?

Nope, it’s the perfect time for Katelyn to (uh-hem) need a diaper change. We take care of  business and then, finally, it’s the magic moment.


We talked about this moment so much with her because we didn’t want her to get shy or scared like she probably would have without some prep. She handled it like a charm and went up to him and gave him a big hug. Pooh Bear is this girl’s life.



Totally worth it.

Needless to say, Katelyn loved Disneyland.


I was surprised how much Abby enjoyed it. She loved the rides she was able to go on and there were plenty of squeals and giggles as she watched things around us.

When we ask Katelyn what her favorite ride was she usually says the teacups. But she seemed to love the merry-go-round even more because she begged to ride that one again.

Here she is waiting to ride it.


And during the ride.


Two things I will always remember about this trip:

When I came off a ride and found two little girls playing in a drinking fountain. Devin thought it was cute. Cute? Yes. Disgusting? Even more.


And then when we sat down to have a snack of pretzels and nutella. Katelyn gave up on the pretzels and just ate the nutella. That’s my girl!

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And then a few more random pictures.



And there you have Disneyland Paris.


One thought to “dISNEYLAND pARIS”

  1. So happy everyone had fun. Does that european pooh bear look a little (or a lot) like a bee?

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