A couple weeks ago Katelyn turned the big 3. Oh how sad we are that our little girl is growing up. But before she gets too old, we have to take advantage of the time and post some lovely pictures of her on her big day.
This is what our little Munchkin usually looks like on any given morning.
Devin made pancakes and made her a special K, just for her.
Katelyn seems to be physically unable to eat pancakes or waffles without whipped cream. That morning she also asked for frosting (completely random, BTW). Normally, we don’t have frosting just hanging out in the fridge but since I made her cake the night before, we had some left over. So frosting and cream for the birthday girl.
What’s a birthday without a beater to lick. She’s going through this silly phase where she likes to wear things…that aren’t intended for wearing. Note the two shower puffs (aka “duckies”), the purple ball on a string (which you can kinda see) and Pooh Bear…all as bracelets.
We let her open one gift during breakfast so that she could use it during the day and get excited for the rest of the day.
Socks. This girl loves socks lately. Some days I have to make her take them off because she will layer three or four socks on each foot and then want to put footed jammies on…and then slippers on top of that. The only socks that really fit her were white and she kept asking for colored socks, which were now passed down to Abby. I figured i couldn’t go wrong with socks in her favorite colors with sparkly hearts on them. Nailed it.
Later in the day I took her to a play group at a local church. Tons of toys, play dough, and painting—she was in heaven.
After Devin got home we did cake and the rest of her gifts.
She some more socks, a scooter, rubber duckies, and a bigger Pooh Bear. For weeks, every time we asked her what she wanted she would just say, “big Pooh Bear”. We couldn’t avoid that one.
Katelyn was so much fun to watch throughout the day. She loved every minute of it and couldn’t be more excited to have a birthday.
Love the pooh bear bracelet. Happy Birthday big girl.